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19th June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS

Source: Indian Express

Water Management: From Scarcity to Sustainability


India is staring at an impending water catastrophe, with large swathes of the country reeling under acute water scarcity. The unrelenting heat waves and erratic rainfall have exacerbated the crisis, depleting rivers and aquifers at an alarming rate. 

Structure of Water Management in India:

Central Level: 

Ministry of Jal Shakti (MoJS): Established in May 2019, it is the apex body responsible for formulating national water policies and overseeing water resource management activities across the country.

Central Water Commission (CWC): A technical organization under MoJS that provides technical guidance on water resource development projects and river basin planning.

Central Groundwater Board (CGWB): Responsible for assessing, monitoring, and managing groundwater resources in India.

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB): The CPCB's principal function, as defined in the Water Act of 1974  is to promote the cleanliness of streams and wells across states by preventing, controlling, and reducing water pollution

State Level:

• State Water Resources Departments: Responsible for implementing water policies and managing water resources within their respective states.

• Irrigation Departments: Focus on managing irrigation systems and ensuring water distribution for agricultural purposes.

• State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs): Responsible for monitoring and controlling water pollution.

Local Level:

Panchayats (Village Councils): Play a crucial role in managing water resources at the village level, including promoting water conservation and ensuring equitable distribution.

Municipalities: Responsible for managing water supply and sanitation in urban areas.

• Water User Associations (WUAs): Groups of farmers formed to manage and maintain irrigation systems at the local level.

Major Factors Driving Water Crisis in India

• Extraction of Groundwater: India is the largest extractor of groundwater globally, accounting for around 25% of the world's groundwater extraction (World Bank).

• Agriculture: Agriculture accounts for around 78% of India's freshwater usage (virtual water). 

• Urban Sprawl and Industrial Growth: 5 of the world’s 20 largest cities under water stress are in India and about 70% of India's surface water resources are polluted (NITI Aayog)

• Sand Mining: It not only impacts downstream water availability but also increases the risk of flash floods and riverbank erosion. The rampant sand mining in the Yamuna river is a case in point.

• Fragmented Governance: leads to lack of coordination, inefficient resource allocation, and conflicting policies. Ex: The on-going Cauvery water dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

• Sea Level Rise and Salinization: Rising sea levels due to climate change threaten coastal aquifers with saltwater intrusion.  Example: Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.

Government Initiatives:

National Water Policy, 2012

Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana

Jal Shakti Abhiyan- Catch the Rain Campaign

Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)

National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG)

Measures to Tackle Water Crisis:

• Transforming fallow land into recharging units: Ex, "water parks" dedicated to groundwater recharge. 

• Developing large-scale desalination plants fueled by a combination of renewable energy sources and waste-to-energy technology

• Mandating the installation of rainwater harvesting systems in all new buildings and retrofitting existing structures

• Promoting Drip Irrigation and Aquaponics (Aquaculture plus Hydroponics)

• Smart Water Grids for early detection of leaks and optimal pressure management.

• Fog Harvesting

• Decentralized Water Management, Example: Uttarakhand's Swajal project

• Mandate the adoption of zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems for water-intensive industries, where wastewater is treated and recycled for reuse.





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