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Use of Drones in Warfare

Context: Manipur Chief Minister condemned recent drone bombings on civilians in Imphal West.

Drones or UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle):  a remotely controlled flying device generally used for logistics, surveillance, and combat.

Drone use by state actors:

• The USA and Israel are at the forefront of drone development with Predator and Heron models.

• Ukraine use of Bayraktar drones against the Russian invasion has turned the tide of war.

• Russia’s use of Orion drones in Syria in 2019.

Drone use by non-state actors:

• Houthi rebels used drones from Iran to attack Saudi oil facilities.

• Islamist terror outfits like ISIS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have used drones for surveillance and attack.

• Narco-traders like the CJNG cartel of Mexico have used drones for bombing targets.

Advantages of Drone Warfare for actors:

Low cost: Easy to acquire

Remote: remotely operated, no loss of life and high endurance

Multi-role: Surveilance, combat role and logistics

Security challenges to India:

• Drone Terrorism: Drones are increasingly used by terrorist groups due to their affordability, manoeuvrability, and payload capacity.

• Surveillance and Intelligence Gathering: Drones monitor military sites, borders, and sensitive government facilities.

• Critical Infrastructure Disruption: They can execute cyber-attacks, jamming, or physical attacks on infrastructure.

• Cross-Border Smuggling: Drones smuggle contraband, drugs, and weapons, particularly from Pakistan.

• Privacy Concerns: Drones with cameras threaten individual privacy and the security of sensitive facilities, like nuclear plants.

Steps taken:

• Drone Rules 2021 to regulate the internal movement of drones while incentivizing the indigenous drone manufacturing industry.

• Indian Army Aviation Corp is being made responsible for offensives and drone counter-measures.

• Indigenous anti-drone systems are being developed like Indrajaal by Hyderabad-based Grene Robotics.

• Drone development by the DRDO including Nishant, Rustom, MALE, et al and acquisition of foreign-made variants like the Heron.

• Drone Import Policy 2022: Bans foreign drone imports, but allows drone component imports.

• PLI Scheme: Incentivizes domestic drone and component manufacturing.

Mitigating Drone-Related Threats:

• Counter-Drone Technology: Neutralizes unauthorized drones.

• Capacity Building: Improves drone detection and response by security forces.

• Public-Private Partnerships: Supports indigenous drone technology development.


Drone warfare is causing a revolution in the nature of warfare in the 21st century, providing asymmetric warfare capabilities to the smallest of state and non-state actors. India must keep pace with the world for its security.





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